SvgChart API

SvgChart phases


var chart = new SvgChart(parent: HTMLElement, config: SvgChartConfig);
  1. Adds some CSS rules that are used for dynamic styling, like reacting to focus or hover events.
  2. Create the root SVG element.
  3. Calls setConfig with the config parameter.

Method setConfig(config)

chart.setConfig(config: SvgChartConfig);
  1. Merge the config with the default config.
  2. Creates the Controller for this chartType.
  3. Remove existing event listeners and child nodes - only applicable when this method has been called a second time or more.
  4. Adds the defs element for gradient definitions.
  5. Add title and legend.
  6. Call controller.onConfigBefore.
  7. Loop through series can for each serie:
    1. Call controller.onConfigSerieBeforea.
    2. Call controller.onConfigSerieAfter.
  8. Add the serieGroupElement element, the focus value element and set up some event listeners.
  9. Call controller.onConfigAfter on the controller.

Method chart(data)

  1. Remove childnodes of serieGroupElement.
  2. Create a new SVG group element, the call controller.onDraw with it and then attach this new element to the serieGroupElement.

Method controller.onDraw(currentSerieGroupElement)

This method is called by the chart method.

  1. Call this.onDrawStart.
  2. Loop through the series and for each serie create a new group element and call this.onDrawSerie with it and add this new element to the currentSerieGroupElement parameter.
  3. Call this.onDrawEnd.

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